$20.00 match fee (Super Shoot $25.00). Competitors desiring to maintain NRA silhouette rankings must annually renew their metallic silhouette competitor status directly with the NRA. Scores from each match are electronically transmitted to the NRA Silhouette competition statistician
Competition is open to all but the number of competitors is limited by range capacity, which is 64 shooters (4 relays), except for the March and October matches, which is 48 shooters (3 relays). Pre-registered shooters' slots will be held until 8:20 on match day, then assigned chronologically to anyone on the pre-registration waiting list, then opened to non pre-registered shooters on a first come, first served basis.
All current NRA Blackpowder Silhouette rules will apply. Any jury decision will be final.
Current NRA Blackpowder Silhouette classifications will be used.
RANGE OPENS 7:30 a.m. for PRACTICE. Inclement weather or poor visibility may delay the opening.
Shooting positions will be drawn at 8:15 a.m.
MANDATORY Competitors' Meeting at 8:40 a.m. Match will commence at 9:00 a.m. Range closed the Friday immediately preceding the match for range preparation until 12:00 noon or until setup is complete.
CHECK-IN and RELAY SELECTION for competitors begins 7:00 a.m. match day.
(but it does help the match run smoother).
Competitors knocking down all 10 animals will be permitted an attempt at "Long Run" records based on current NRA Rules. Pigs will always be shot after the match.
Prizes will be awarded for 1st and 2nd Overall Winners and to the individual Class winners. Additional awards may be given depending on the number of entries in each class. If there are fewer than 3 entries in a class the class will be merged with the next higher class. The High Overall winner is not eligible for a class award. The value of the cash prize and number of awards given are dependent on the number of entries in each class.
Clubhouse will be open.
Bring your own food and beverage. (Drinking water may not be potable.)
Restrooms and phone (for emergency use -- 717-530-9533), are available in the clubhouse.